Class OperatorTable

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OperatorTable
extends java.lang.Object

Much like GroupingSymbolTable this call serves as a holder for a set of other objects and acts as an interface to allow use of them. In this case the objects are Operators.

The most common usage of OperatorTable is ArithmeticOperatorTable.

Field Summary
protected  int capacity
          The current maximum number of elements possible
protected  Operator[] operators
          The elements contained in the table
protected  int size
          The current number of elements
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new empty table with a capacity of 20 elements
OperatorTable(int i)
          Creates a new empty table with a capacity of i elements.
Method Summary
 void add(Operator o)
          Adds an Operator to the table.
 java.lang.String[] getTokens()
 boolean isAnOperator(java.lang.String token, boolean preceededByAnOperand)
          Identifies String token as being an {@ Operator} in the table or not based on the context given by preceededByAnOperand.
 Operator operatorFor(java.lang.String token, boolean preceededByAnOperand)
          Identifies String token and returns the appropriate Operator.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int capacity
The current maximum number of elements possible


protected int size
The current number of elements


protected Operator[] operators
The elements contained in the table
Constructor Detail


public OperatorTable()
Creates a new empty table with a capacity of 20 elements


public OperatorTable(int i)
Creates a new empty table with a capacity of i elements. If i is 0 then the capacity is set to 1.
Method Detail


public void add(Operator o)
Adds an Operator to the table. If there is not room in the table for the symbol then (in the fashion of Vector) the capacity is doubled thereby making space.
o - symbol to be added


public boolean isAnOperator(java.lang.String token,
                            boolean preceededByAnOperand)
Identifies String token as being an {@ Operator} in the table or not based on the context given by preceededByAnOperand.
token - String to be identified
true if token is in the table


public Operator operatorFor(java.lang.String token,
                            boolean preceededByAnOperand)
Identifies String token and returns the appropriate Operator. If token is not in the table then a NotATableElementExcepetion will be thrown (once I get that running.)
token - String to be identified
the Operator for token.


public java.lang.String[] getTokens()
a String array contianing the tokens for the Operators in the table.