Class AdaptedStringTokenizer


public class AdaptedStringTokenizer
extends java.util.StringTokenizer

The AdaptedStringTokenizer class extends StringTokenizer to allow the user to use strings as tokens. The StringTokenizer takes a string and a set of tokens and returns a set of strings representing the original string divided according the the tokens. For example, a common set of tokens is the whitespace characters. The string "the quick brown fox" would tokenize to: "the", "quick", "brown", "fox". When the next token is called for any preceeding delimiters are skipped then from the first character that isn't a delimiter characters are added to the out string until another token is hit.

Field Summary
 boolean allowWhitespace
          boolean flag representing whether or not whitespace should be included in the strings that are returned
protected  int currentIndex
          the current position of the StringTokenizer in the sting being processed
protected  int maxIndex
          the maximum index of the string being processed
 boolean returnTokens
          boolean flag representing whether or not tokens should be included in the strings that are returned
protected  java.lang.String[] tokens
          the delimiters that determine where the string is divided
protected  java.lang.String tokenString
          the string which is being tokenized
Constructor Summary
AdaptedStringTokenizer(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String[] t)
          Constructs a tokenization of the given string.
AdaptedStringTokenizer(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String[] t, boolean whitespace)
          Constructs a tokenization of the given string.
AdaptedStringTokenizer(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String[] t, boolean whitespace, boolean tok)
          Constructs a tokenization of the given string.
Method Summary
 boolean hasMoreTokens()
 java.lang.String nextToken()
          There are several different cases for what can be considered tokens depending on the states of different flags.
 java.lang.String nextToken(java.lang.String[] t)
          Operates the same as nextToken() but before the processing is begun the set of delimiters is replaced.
protected  void skipDelimiters()
          Internal method to skip over delimiters in the string being tokenized until a non-delimiter is reached.
protected  void skipWhitespace()
          Internal method to skip over whitespace (as defined in Charater.isWhitespace) characters in the string being tokenized until a non-whitespace character is reached.
protected  boolean startsWithToken()
          Internal method representing the state of the current substring left from the tokenization to this point.
Methods inherited from class java.util.StringTokenizer
countTokens, hasMoreElements, nextElement, nextToken
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean allowWhitespace
boolean flag representing whether or not whitespace should be included in the strings that are returned


public boolean returnTokens
boolean flag representing whether or not tokens should be included in the strings that are returned


protected int currentIndex
the current position of the StringTokenizer in the sting being processed


protected int maxIndex
the maximum index of the string being processed


protected java.lang.String tokenString
the string which is being tokenized


protected java.lang.String[] tokens
the delimiters that determine where the string is divided
Constructor Detail


public AdaptedStringTokenizer(java.lang.String s,
                              java.lang.String[] t)
Constructs a tokenization of the given string.
s - the string to be toknized
t - the delimiters that are to be used to separate the tokens


public AdaptedStringTokenizer(java.lang.String s,
                              java.lang.String[] t,
                              boolean whitespace)
Constructs a tokenization of the given string.
s - the string to be toknized
t - the delimiters that are to be used to separate the tokens
whitespace - flag indicating whether or not to include whitespace in the returned tokens


public AdaptedStringTokenizer(java.lang.String s,
                              java.lang.String[] t,
                              boolean whitespace,
                              boolean tok)
Constructs a tokenization of the given string.
s - the string to be toknized
t - the delimiters that are to be used to separate the tokens
whitespace - flag indicating whether or not to include whitespace in the returned tokens
tok - flag indicating whether or not the delimiters should be returned as tokens
Method Detail


protected void skipDelimiters()
Internal method to skip over delimiters in the string being tokenized until a non-delimiter is reached.


protected void skipWhitespace()
Internal method to skip over whitespace (as defined in Charater.isWhitespace) characters in the string being tokenized until a non-whitespace character is reached.


protected boolean startsWithToken()
Internal method representing the state of the current substring left from the tokenization to this point.
whether or not the current substring begins with a delimiter


public boolean hasMoreTokens()
whether or not a subsequent call to nextToken will return an element
hasMoreTokens in class java.util.StringTokenizer


public java.lang.String nextToken()
There are several different cases for what can be considered tokens depending on the states of different flags. The string tokenizer is represented internally as a string and then an index into the string representing the point to which it has been tokenized thus far. Under the default conditions the tokenizer is set not to return whitespace and it is set to return the delimiters. For this case the next token will forward the internal index while the current character is whitespace then if the substring begins with a delimiter then all the delimiters are checked and the longest is returned as the next token. Otherwise the index is forwarded until a delimiter is hit or more whitespace is hit. Changing the allow whitespace flag will keep the preceeding whitespace from being skipped and it will also make it so that tokens are only delimited by the delimiters. If the return tokens is turned off then at the beginning in addition to skipping whitespace any initial delimiters are also skipped.
the next substring of the original string which meets the criteria as a token
nextToken in class java.util.StringTokenizer


public java.lang.String nextToken(java.lang.String[] t)
Operates the same as nextToken() but before the processing is begun the set of delimiters is replaced.
t - the new set of delimiters
the next substring of the original string which meets the criteria as a token