I've been slinging code for over ten years now in a variety of languages. After a stint in academia, I'm back in the job market hunting for opportunities to put my skills to work.
This site highlights a few of the projects I've worked on over the years.
According to relativity, as objects travel near the speed of light, they shrink. This leads to some strange situations since relativity also says that which object is moving (i.e. shrinking) depends on the observer.
This is an explanation of the sliding rails paradox I did for a spacetime class.
Tech: XHTML, MathML, SVG
For one of their sites, MPP wanted sidebar links which colored the background when the cursor passed over them.
This is a discussion of different methods for producing the effect without requiring multiple versions of the background image.
Tech: HTML, CSS, IE Behaviors
While teaching English in Mauritania, we would sometimes play bingo to help the students with their number recognition.
This is a program that generates random bingo boards with a few configurable parameters.
While on co-op I gave out some Debian disks to my local LUG. The label that I made ended up in the FAQ for other people to use.
This is a dynamically generated version of that image to be easily updatable as new versions come out.
Tech: SVG, Javascript, PHP
Working for the Marijuana Policy Project was one of the more rigorous jobs I've had. Custom campaign sites needed to be developed every couple weeks, frequently under hard deadlines that coordinated with other media events.
This is one of the simpler pages which is an invitation to a beach party.
MPP needed a state-by-state map for their campaign sites.
This is a set of scripts which generates an imagemap by rasterizing a SVG map.
Tech: SVG, Javascript, Python
Another bit of DHTML for MPP, this is a method for producing easily updatable fund raising thermometers.
Collaborative filtering is the recommendation method pioneered by Amazon which maps user preferences to a n-dimensional vector for producing recommendations.
This is an explanation of the math and program structure I used to implement a collaborative filter efficiently on Sun's Caroline grid.
Tech: Java, JINI
The fortune program is a UNIX program for displaying random quotes that dates back to the '70s.
To practice creating and accessing REST services, I wrote this program to load fortunes in a page using AJAX.
Tech: Javascript, XML, REST
I spent much of my time in Peace Corps getting beaten playing Set. This is a program I wrote with what proved to be the naive hope of improving my game.
Tech: SVG, CSS, Javascript