import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; public class ControlFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private Container cont; private JTextField file; private JLabel lblfile; private JTextField mat; private JLabel lblmat; private JTextField scale; private JLabel lblscale; private JTextField rot; private JLabel lblrot; private JTextField trans; private JLabel lbltrans; private JTextField eye; private JLabel lbleye; private JTextField at; private JLabel lblat; private JTextField fov; private JLabel lblfov; private JTextField zmaxmin; private JLabel lblzmaxmin; private JTextField light; private JLabel lbllight; private JButton apply; private Scene scene; private JFrame image; private JPanel pnl; public ControlFrame(Scene scene, JFrame image, JPanel pnl) { //need a ref to the scene, the jframe that will be rendering the image, and the panel that will contain the image super("Control Panel"); setSize(400,250); cont=getContentPane(); EasyGridBag grid=new EasyGridBag(11,3); cont.setLayout(grid); apply=new JButton("Apply"); file=new JTextField(15); file.setText("sphere.obj"); lblfile=new JLabel("File Name"); mat=new JTextField(5); //Material mat.setText("0,0,1"); scale=new JTextField(5); //Scale scale.setText("1,1,1"); rot=new JTextField(5); //Rotation rot.setText("0,0,0"); trans=new JTextField(5); //Translation trans.setText("0,0,0"); eye=new JTextField(5); //Eye Point eye.setText("0,0,4"); at=new JTextField(5); //At Point at.setText("0,0,0"); fov=new JTextField(5); //Field of View fov.setText("45"); zmaxmin=new JTextField(5); //Z max and min zmaxmin.setText("2,5"); light=new JTextField(5); //Light light.setText("3,3,3"); lblmat=new JLabel("Material (r,g,b)"); lblscale=new JLabel("Scale (x,y,z)"); lblrot=new JLabel("Rotation (x,y,z degrees)"); lbltrans=new JLabel("Translation (x,y,z)"); lbleye = new JLabel("Point to look from (x,y,z coords)"); lblat = new JLabel("Point to look at (x,y,z coords)"); lblfov = new JLabel("Field of view (degrees 1-180)"); lblzmaxmin = new JLabel("Z max and min (-zmax, -zmin)"); lbllight=new JLabel("Light (x,y,z)"); grid.fillCell(1,1,lblfile,cont); grid.fillCell(1,2,file,cont); grid.fillCell(2,1,lblscale,cont); grid.fillCell(2,2,scale,cont); grid.fillCell(3,1,lblrot,cont); grid.fillCell(3,2,rot,cont); grid.fillCell(4,1,lbltrans,cont); grid.fillCell(4,2,trans,cont); grid.fillCell(5,1,lbleye,cont); grid.fillCell(5,2,eye,cont); grid.fillCell(6,1,lblat,cont); grid.fillCell(6,2,at,cont); grid.fillCell(7,1,lblfov,cont); grid.fillCell(7,2,fov,cont); grid.fillCell(8,1,lblzmaxmin,cont); grid.fillCell(8,2,zmaxmin,cont); grid.fillCell(9,1,lblmat,cont); grid.fillCell(9,2,mat,cont); grid.fillCell(10,1,lbllight,cont); grid.fillCell(10,2,light,cont); grid.fillCell(11,3,apply,cont); cont.setBackground(java.awt.Color.white); apply.setBackground(java.awt.Color.white); apply.addActionListener(this); file.addActionListener(this); scale.addActionListener(this); rot.addActionListener(this); trans.addActionListener(this); eye.addActionListener(this); at.addActionListener(this); fov.addActionListener(this); zmaxmin.addActionListener(this); mat.addActionListener(this); light.addActionListener(this); this.scene=scene; this.image=image; this.pnl=pnl; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { double[] coord; try { scene.reset(); //compute image from the beginning BasicObject obj=readObject(file.getText()); //the dimensions of the panel on which the drawing will occur int width=pnl.getSize().width; int height=pnl.getSize().height; coord=getValues(fov.getText()); double angle = coord[0]; //field of view (try changing this to verify your solution) angle=angle/180*3.14; //get the angle in radians double xmax = Math.tan(angle/2); //the height of the camera is determined by the aspect ratio of the panel upon which the image will be rendered and xmax double ymax = xmax * ((double)height / (double)width); //build the LookAt transformation coord=getValues(eye.getText()); Vertex eye = new Vertex(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]); coord=getValues(at.getText()); Vertex at = new Vertex(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]); Matrix lookAt=AffineTransforms.lookAt(eye, at); //assign scene transformations //we will assume that the range for x and y values is -1 to 1 //therefore, for assign 1 only, scale x and y to achieve this //get zmax and zmin from user coord=getValues(zmaxmin.getText()); double zmax = -coord[0]; double zmin = -coord[1]; Matrix normal=AffineTransforms.orthoNormal(zmax, zmin); Matrix aspect=AffineTransforms.scale((1.0/xmax), (1.0/ymax), 1.0); //the windowing transform is based on the width and height of the rendering panel Matrix window=AffineTransforms.window(width, height); //put the transforms into the scene scene.buildTransform(lookAt); scene.buildTransform(aspect); scene.buildTransform(normal); scene.buildTransform(window); InstanceObject transformObject=new InstanceObject(obj); //set the color coord=getValues(mat.getText()); transformObject.setMaterial( new Color(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2] ) ); //transform the object using TRS //notice that scaling is first, followed by rotations, and finally translations //scales coord=getValues(scale.getText()); transformObject.buildTransform(AffineTransforms.scale(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2])); //complete the transformations for the object //rotations coord=getValues(rot.getText()); transformObject.buildTransform(AffineTransforms.rotateY(coord[1])); transformObject.buildTransform(AffineTransforms.rotateX(coord[0])); transformObject.buildTransform(AffineTransforms.rotateZ(coord[2])); //translations coord=getValues(trans.getText()); transformObject.buildTransform(AffineTransforms.translate(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2])); //System.out.println("\n\nAdding this InstanceObject to scene. Vertices = " + transformObject.getTransformedObject().toString()); //add the light to the scene coord=getValues(light.getText()); Light light = new Light(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2]); scene.addLight(light); scene.setEye(eye); scene.setAt(at); scene.addObject(transformObject); //note that we could have additional instance objects in our scene image.repaint(); //render the image } catch(NumberFormatException e) { SimpleDialogs.normalOutput("Error in scene input","Error"); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { SimpleDialogs.normalOutput("Error in supplied transformation.","Error"); } } public static BasicObject readObject(String file) { FileIO io; ArrayList vertices=new ArrayList(); BasicObject obj=new BasicObject(); try { io=new FileIO(file," "); //specify how to tokenize each line while(!io.EOF()) { Iterator iter=io.getTokens(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String; if (temp.equals("v")) { //process a vertex double x=Double.parseDouble(; double y=Double.parseDouble(; double z=Double.parseDouble(; Vertex vertex=new Vertex(x,y,z); vertices.add(vertex); } else if (temp.equals("vn")) { //process a vertex normal //we probably won't use these-- we will calculate the normals manually when we need them double x=Double.parseDouble(; double y=Double.parseDouble(; double z=Double.parseDouble(; } else if (temp.equals("f")) { //process a face Face face=new Face(); ArrayList vertexList=new ArrayList(); int index=getVertexIndex(iter); int counter=0; while (index!=-1) { Vertex vertex=(Vertex) vertices.get(index-1); vertexList.add(counter,vertex); if (vertexList.size()>2) { Vertex vertex1=(Vertex) vertexList.get(counter-2); Vertex vertex2=(Vertex) vertexList.get(counter-1); Vertex vertex3=(Vertex) vertexList.get(counter); boolean collinear=colin(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3); if (collinear) { vertexList.remove(counter-1); //remove the middle collinear vertex counter--; } } index=getVertexIndex(iter); counter++; //the next available index } //the actual list with noncollinearities removed //we may still have concave polygons from Wings3D so be careful for (int x=0;x