/** * This interface defines fundamental Matrix operations such as setting and retrieving individual elements * and obtaining the Matrix dimensions. */ public interface BasicMatrixInterface { /** * Method to allow the setting of individual Matrix elements.
* Preconditions: Valid row and column specified.
* Postconditions: The Matrix element is set to the specified double.
* Throws: MatrixException if (rows or columns < 1) or (rows or columns > the valid range-- the max size specified upon construction). */ public void setElement(int row, int column, double value) throws MatrixException; /** * Method to return the value at a specified element in the Matrix.
* Preconditions: Valid row and column specified.
* Postconditions: The double contained at the specified location is returned.
* Throws: MatrixException if (rows or columns < 1) or (rows or columns > the valid range). */ public double getElement(int row, int column) throws MatrixException; /** * Method to return the number of rows in the Matrix.
* Preconditions: None.
* Postconditions: The number of rows in the Matrix is returned.
* Throws: None. */ public int getNumRows(); /** * Method to return the number of columns in the Matrix.
* Preconditions: None.
* Postconditions: The number of columns in the Matrix is returned.
* Throws: None. */ public int getNumColumns(); }