This text for The Four Quartets I took from Tristan at I am preparing a program to ease the footnoting process, but to date I have done nothing but update these pages to XHTML and CSS, and inline the existing footnotes. This is the original preparer's introduction:
There are several internet sites offering online texts of theFour Quartets. I do not know which site was the first; but its author saved his successors much work, for they evidently copied his text exactly — including his errors of spelling, punctuation, and even his missed lines. This is amusing inasmuch as these sites were presumably constructed as the result of genuine enthusiasm for Eliot's poetic masterwork. But it is saddening to see basic standards of academic accuracy disregarded thus; moreover, these sites remain uncorrected. (They are welcome to take my own source code, which will enable them to amend their errors without much effort.)
These pages rely heavily on modern HTML support. They have been tested and work in Mozilla and Firefox. Unfortunately, IE's support is less than complete and they may not display correctly.
ϒου λόγου
ζώουσιν οἱ
ώς ἰδἱαν
I. p. 77. Fr. 2.
ὁδὸς ἄνω
κάϒω μία
καὶ ὡυϒή
I. p. 89. Fr. 60.
Diels: Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (Herakletos).