A COMMUNITY OF THE SPIRIT There is a community of the spirit. Join it, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street, and *being* the noise. Drink *all* your passion, and be a disgrace. Close both eyes to see with the other eye. Open your hands, if you want to be held. Sit down in this circle. Quit acting like a wolf, and feel the shepherd's love filling you. At night, your beloved wanders. Don't accept consolations. Close your mouth against food. Taste the lover's mouth in yours. You moan, "She left me." "He left me." Twenty more will come. Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being. -------------------------- i love this state of being. it's inner and outer silence, but out of that comes a sound and a music that is so powerful and loud that it's hard to believe that you had never heard it before. What also strikes me is why was i being so loud and listening to my own wretched noise when i could have been listening to something so beautiful all along. but then i forget and i get caught up in things again. and that leaves me back to where i was before. i'm listening to my moaning and my fear and my hell. it's not a crushing weight or an impossible thing to move. all it takes is a step to the right and then it all clicks into place. it's ironic to me that the only way to talk about how to get to this is to say live in silence. it's right, but it's not true. or...it is true but it isn't literal. training myself into silence brings in a whole new realm of existence and beauty that i hadn't been open to before. this is ecstacy to me. it's something that i find in myself, but it has to do with experiencing the world. i find so much beauty in those around me. i can do this with james. i can see how our love expands until the context for love reaches such a vast thing that it shatters my mind and breaks my heart and i am washed over in so many feelings, experiences, knowings....it's sweet pain. it's blissful rending. but it doesn't stop there. i see how we are archetypal of life and love everywhere and how our love touches every place in the owrld and shapes it. and i see how the world shapes and changes us. but then i see how loves changes in the world and in every human being. then it expands into all life. then it goes on to something that i can't describe and can only know. but even that gets larger and more incomprehensible. it's like thinking with a part of my mind that is outside my head. it's a larger mind. when i'm thinking with my current mind, none of it makes sense. ideally a sangha can do this. ideally a soulmate relaitonship can do this. ideally a saint loving and experiencing the world can do this. this is Real consciousness to me. it's also the key to compassion and larger love for me. the path to get there is becoming open and silent. then ecstacy happens and it all unfolds in front of me. and then a more intense and beautiful life becomes revealed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Late, by myself, in the boat of myself no light and no land anywhere, cloudcover thick. I try to stay just above the surfac, yet I'm already under and living within the ocean. ............................................ The Friend comes into my body looking for the center, unable to find it, draws a blad, strikes anywhere. ............................................. There is a way between voice and presence where information flows In disciplined silence it opens. With wandering talk it closes. --Rumi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%