SWB0814: what? SWB0814: i gotta do something right now SWB0814(NTY7018) - have time to give a friend advice? SWB0814: sure SWB0814: what's up? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - is shelley there? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - don't get her SWB0814: she is SWB0814: she is discussing the 4Q SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - is she in a different part of the room SWB0814: she is across the room SWB0814: yes SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I don't that either of us have much time SWB0814: what do you mean? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I'm just a little frustrating SWB0814: why? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - neither shelly or I have much time for a relationship SWB0814: ahhh SWB0814: that is a problem that people often face SWB0814: i SWB0814(NTY7018) - =( SWB0814: i have had trouble dealing wit h it SWB0814: and i talked to alot of people who have too SWB0814: it can be done SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - Shelley comes at things from a different place then Julie SWB0814: alot more J SWB0814: that makes it harder to do flexible scheduling SWB0814: yes SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I know, I was just hoping for some advice as SWB0814: as to how to do it? SWB0814: i think that you can SWB0814: if you are both willing SWB0814: it took some sacrifices for me SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I am trying SWB0814: do you have much wasted time during a day? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - not a lot, I'm trying to get caught back up SWB0814: getting caught up is important SWB0814: but once you're there all you have SWB0814(NTY7018) - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SWB0814: but once you're there all you have to do is stay on top SWB0814: how far away are you? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I guess you would know SWB0814: i am doing pretty good right now SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - unsure SWB0814: alot better than in the past SWB0814: if you want to do the SWB0814(NTY7018) - almost in SEE and Art SWB0814: if you want to do the programming I will help SWB0814: i think that a SWB0814(NTY7018) - thanx SWB0814: can you do a 5 hour session? SWB0814: a couple of those it what it tookfor SWB0814(NTY7018) - I'm working on whats due in the other two right now SWB0814: a couple of those it what it took for me SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - ? SWB0814: i had to program for 5 solid hours twice SWB0814: in SWB0814(NTY7018) - could you help me with my proposal SWB0814: i could later tonight SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - that would help me more at the moment SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - =) SWB0814: how is it coming SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - when? SWB0814: ? SWB0814: i am eating at 6:00 and the SWB0814(NTY7018) - I have some notes SWB0814: i am eating at 6:00 and then going to work out after that SWB0814: then I am fr SWB0814(NTY7018) - I know exactly what I have to turn in when SWB0814: then I am free SWB0814: april 17? SWB0814: or is i SWB0814(NTY7018) - how long a work out? SWB0814: i should be back at the dorms by 8:00 definitely SWB0814: SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - april 6 to danyel, she will then do some of the work for me, the paper work SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - ok SWB0814: will you be in the dorms SWB0814: ? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - yes SWB0814: ok SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I plan to be here for the rest of the night SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - hoping for AC SWB0814: =) SWB0814: is it bad? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - It is hot here and this is coming from singapore Steve SWB0814: =) SWB0814: i know that it was bad outside SWB0814: i want to get some tan so that I can go around in a tank top SWB0814: girls get to wear them SWB0814: i figure I can too SWB0814: but that is a tangent SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I noticed Julie is also re-wearing clothing SWB0814: is she? SWB0814: i haven't seen her today SWB0814: not since this morning SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - She was in the lounge a bit ago SWB0814: what do you hope to get accomplished tonight? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - art: half an hour to an hour, some work on proposal, maybe programming, SEE essay SWB0814: is there one of those that you ca SWB0814(NTY7018) - I got a Vita don this morning SWB0814: is there one of those that you can get done completely SWB0814: it helps in getting things done to have a practical and attainable goal SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - I have every intion of finishing the art and the SEE essay SWB0814: ok SWB0814(NTY7018) - true SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - the art will not take long SWB0814: ok SWB0814: how far are you on the SEE? SWB0814: SWB0814(NTY7018) - one essay complete not much on the other, I'm going to work on it now, c-ya SWB0814: alright SWB0814: see you around 8:00 SWB0814: bye SWB0814: $ SWB0814(NTY7018) - thanx for giving me a shoulder to cry on $ SWB0814(NTY7018) - c-ya $