Armstrong, "A History of God" Bach, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" Beattie, "Codependent No More" Berne, "Games People Play" (2) Bliss, "Doing It Now" Bloomfield, "Inner Joys" Bloomfield, "Making Peace With Your Parents" Brace, "A Code to Keep" Branden, "The Psychology of Romantic Love" Branden, "The Psychology of Self-Esteem" Branden, "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" Branden, "What Love Asks of You" Burns, "Feeling Good" Buscaglia, "Love" Condon, "Winter Kills" Copeland, "10,000 Jokes Toasts and Stories" Covey, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" Coyne, "The Legacy" Dass & Gorman, "How Can I Help?" Eco, "Foucault's Pendulum" Eco, "The Name of the Rose" Ferguson, "Book of PragMagic" Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning" Fuller, "2500 Anecdotes for All Occasions" Funk, "Words of Power" Hanson & Friends, "The Real Freshman Handbook" Hoff, "The Tao of Pooh" Hofstadter, "Godel, Escher, Bach" Holman & Harmon, "A Handbook to Literature" 6th edition Jewler & Gardner, "Step By Step to College Success" (2) Keating, "The Hug Therapy Book" Kennedy, "The Pain of Being Human" Kornfield, "A Path With Heart" Leonard, "The Wounded Woman" Laschan, "How to Meditate" MacLeish, "J.B." McWilliams, "Life 101" Moyne & Barks, "Open Secret: Versions of Rumi" Newman & Berkowitz, "How to be Your Own Best Friend" Orbach, "Fat is a Feminist Issue" Peck, "The Road Less Traveled" (3) Perls, "Gestalt Therapy Verbatim" Phillips, "Your God is too Small" Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenacne" (3) Plotz, "Imagination's Other Place" Powell, "Fully Human Fully Alive" (3) Powell, "Happiness is an Inside Job" Powell, "Unconditional Love" Powell, "Why Am I Afraid to Love" (3) Powell, "Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am" Readers Digest, "Volume 5 1976" Readers Digest, "Volume 1 1980" Roger & McWilliams "Life 101" (2) de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince" de Saint Exupery, "Wind, Sand and Stars" Schaeffer, "Is It Love or is it Addiction" Skinner, "Beyond Freedom and Dignity" Skinner, "Walden Two" Smith, "The Worlds Religions" Smith, "When I Say No, I Fell Guilty" Stevens, Wallace. "Poems" Stevens, Barry. "Don't Push the River" Warren, "Finding The Love of Your Life" Watts, "The Wisdom of Insecurity"