Temps Français

Temps Simples
Temps Usage English Tense Exemple Français English Translation
Le Présent de l'Indicatif An action or state of being at the present time Present Continuous Je vais à l'école maintenant I am going to school now
Present Je pense; donc, je suis I think; therefore, I am
Habitual action Present Je vais à la bibliothèque tous les jours I go to the library every day
A general or universal truth Present Voir c'est coire Seeing is believing
Vividness when talking about the past Historical Present Avoir vaincu les Grecs, Hector viens á Helen Having defeated the Greeks, Hector comes to Helen
A near future Present Il arrive demain He arrives tomorrow
An action which began in the past and continues to the present Present Perfect Je suis ici depuis decembre I have been here since December
L'Imparfait de l'Indicatif An action that was going on in the past at the same time as another action Past Continuous Il lisait pendant que j'écrivais He was reading while I was writing
An action that was going on in the past when another action occurred Past Continous Il lisait quand je suis arrivé He was reading when I arrived
An action performed habitually in the past Nous allions à la plage tous les jours We would go to the beach every day
Je pêchais tous les samedis I used to fish every Saturday
A desription of a physical or mental condition in the past Past Il était vivant quand j'ai été la It was alive when I was there
An action that occurred in the past and lasted for a certain period of time before another Past Perfect Continuous J'attendais l'autobus depuis dix minutes quand il est arrivé I had been waiting for the bus for ten minutes when it arrived
Express something contrary to fact Subjunctive Si j'étais vous, je ne le ferais pas If I were you, I would not do it
Le Passé Simple
Le Futur An action that will take place in the future Future J'y penserai I will think about it
Present Quand j'irai au marché, j'achèterai du pain dès que j'arriverai When I go to the store, I will buy some bread as soon as I arrive
Le Conditionnel Présent An action you would do if it were possible Conditional Je ferais le travail si j'avais le temps I would do the work if I had the time
To soften a request Conditional Je voudrais du thé I would like some tea
Le Présent du Subjonctif Express a command Subjunctive Soyez à temps Be on time
After a verb that expresses insistence, preference or suggestion Subjunctive J'exige qu'il soit puni I demand that he be punished
After a verb that expresses doubt, fear, joy, sorrow or other emotion Present Continuous Je suis heureux qu'il vienne I am happy that he is coming
After conjunctions that introduce uncertainty Present Je parterai à moins qu'il vienne I will leave unless he comes
After certain impersonal expressions indicating need, doubt, possibility or impossibility Present Il faut qu'elle fasse le travail She must do the work
Future Il est douteux qu'il vienne It is doubtful that he will come
L'Imparfait du Subjonctif
L'Impératif A mood expresing a command or request Imperative Sortez! Get out!
Bouvons! Let us drink!
Assieds-toi! Sit down!
Ne vous levez pas Don't get up

Temps Composés
Temps Usage English Tense Exemple Français English Translation
Le Passé Composé An action completed in the past Past Je suis allé au marché I went to the store
An action in the past with emphasis on its termination Past Il a attendu
Le Plus-que-parfait de l'Indicatif
Le Passé Antérieur
Le Futur Antérieur
Le Conditionnel Passé
Le Passé du Subjonctif
Le Plus-que-parfait de Subjonctif

Présent de l'Indicatif

verb jetuil/ellenousvousils/elles
parler parleparlesparleparlonsparlezparlent
manger mangemangesmangemangeonsmangezmangent
lancer lançelançeslançelançonslançezlançent
finir finisfinisfinitfinissonsfinissezfinissent
rendre rendsrendsrendrendonsrendezrendent

Passé Composé

verb jetuil/ellenousvousils/elles
parler ai parléas parléa parléavons parléavez parléont parlé
finir ai finias finia finiavons finiavez finiont fini
rendre ai renduas rendua renduavons renduavez renduont rendu


verb jetuil/ellenousvousils/elles
parler parleraiparlerasparleraparleronsparlerezparleront
finir finiraifinirasfinirafinirontfinirezfinirent
rendre rendrairendrasrendrarendronsrendrezrendront

verb jetuil/ellenousvousils/elles