Ok, so you want a mortgage, but don't know what you can afford. The math for figuring it out is a little complicated, but once you understand it, not difficult. First we need to define some variables:
First it is important to get everything into the same units. The term and rate are both in terms of a year, so new terms need to be defined. Also, the rate is currently a percentage, so it needs to be scaled down by a factor of 100 to get a decimal to use in calculations:
The loan value for the first month () is simply the total loan amount. After that first month though, there is both accumulated interest and a payment. So, the value for the next month is:
The next month then will be:
This continues to unfold and in a general form is:
The payments are collecting according to the summation of a geometric series. That summation is generally:
So, for the mortgage, the value any given month is:
Figuring out what your payment will be each month is based on the fact that at the end you will have paid off the loan, so .
The equation for is also easily solved for the loan amount: