The Studs of Mauritania


Arrogant and phlegmatic, Huey is a great match for a girl with low self-esteem and a well developed sense of self-loathing.


Age 25
Height 6'2"
Weight 180lbs
Education B.S. in Computer Science from Tennessee Technological University
Sign Scorpio
About Me

Existence is a dank pit that I arise from my restless slumber each day to cast more of my otiose life into. I detest basically everyone and everything including myself. The only brief moments of solace that I find are in listening to the soothing melodies of Nine Inch Nails and the glistening pleasure of crush videos.


I am looking for someone to share the utter meaninglessness and despair that fills my life. Someone who sees all being as the festering cesspool that it is. I know the surely somewhere there is someone who is as revulsed as I am by these scatterbrained simpletons wandering through their insipid daily routines blithely unaware. I seek companionship in my misery and offer the same to anyone seeking it.

Unfortunately the heavy regiment of psychotropic substances that I consume on a daily basis to bring out my sparkling personality have rendered my member as limp as Duke's wrists. Ergo, there will be few carnal relations. If you own a pair of stilleto heels though that is a definite plus.


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