First Recorded Promotional Message On The Edison Phonograph -- Len Spencer The German Peril -- Former U.S. Amb. To Germany James Gerard Watson Address From France -- Gen. J.J. "Black Jack" Pershing On Lindberg's Return To The United States -- Pres. Calvin Coolidge & Charles Lindberg Abdication Address -- King Edward VIII On His Return From The Munich Conference -- P.M. Neville Chamberlain On The Occasion Of Germany's Occupation Of The Sudetenland In Czechoslovakia -- Chancellor Adolf Hitler Declaration Of War With Germany -- P.M. Neville Chamberlain First Radio Address As Prime Minister -- P.M. Winston Churchill Declaration Of War Against Japan -- Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt The First Atomic Bomb Attack On Japan -- Pres. Harry S Truman Address To Congress -- Gen. Douglas MacArthur On The Fall Of Dien Bien Phu -- Sec. Of State John Foster Dulles Announcement Of The Launching Of Sputnik -- Radio Moscow The Cuban Missile Crisis -- Pres. John F. Kennedy Confrontation Over The Presence Of Russian Missilies In Cuba -- U.S. Amb. to The U.N. Adlai Stevenson On Signing The Civil Rights Bill -- Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson Eulogy For Robert F. Kennedy -- Sen. Edward Kennedy The End Of The Vietnam War -- Pres. Richard M. Nixon On Commencement Of The Bombing Of Iraq -- Pres. George Bush