The Farmer And The Republican Party -- William Howard Taft Address To The American Indians -- Pres. Woodrow Wilson Address To The Boys' Progressive League -- Former Pres. Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Address, 1933 -- Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugural Address, 1937 -- Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt Election Eve Campaign Speech -- Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Inaugural Address -- Pres. Harry S Truman "Checkers" Speech -- Sen. Richard M. Nixon Presidential Campaign Address -- Gov. Adlai Stevenson Republican Convention Address -- Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Debate -- Sen. John F. Kennedy & V.P. Richard M. Nixon Presidential Campaign Address -- Sen. Barry Goldwater Address To The Nation -- Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Campaign Address -- Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Inaugural Address -- Pres. Richard M. Nixon Resignation Address -- V.P. Spiro Agnew Resignation Address -- Pres. Richard M. Nixon Democratic Convention Acceptance Speech -- Gov. Jimmy Carter Inaugural Address -- Pres. Ronald Reagan Keynote Address For The Democratic Convention -- Gov. Mario Cuom Address To The Democratic Convention -- Rev. Jesse Jackson