Calendar Mailer

Page-a-day Calendars has a very nice online portal to access their daily calendars. The one thing that I wanted though was to bypass the starting up a browser and logging in, so I wrote a couple little programs to get the calendars and mail them to me daily.

There are two shell scripts:

These are run from a crontab entry like:

 0  8 * * * ~/get_calendar/ -e -p pass -f -c ZENN -n "Zen"
 0  8 * * * ~/get_calendar/ -e -p pass -f -c DARW -n "Darwin Award"
 0  8 * * * ~/get_calendar/ -e -p pass -f -c MENS -n "Mensa Question"
30 17 * * * ~/get_calendar/ -e -p pass -f -b -c MENS -n "Mensa Answer"

One thing that you might notice is that the Mensa calendar is checked twice a day. This front page (with the question) comes in at 8am and then both the front and back (with the answer) comes in at 5:30pm.

The programs are not terribly complex, but at the same time non-trivial.

The retrieval program has to access multiple pages and store session keys in order to access the site. This 50 lines of shell script in a replacement for 200 lines of java thanks to curl.

The mailing program supports the fact that some calendar pages have embedded images and cross multiple pages. It uses the multipart/related and multipart/mixed sections respectively. It is also sensitive to users with text email readers with multipart/alternative sections. All this was fairly easy thanks to the nmh mail suite.