Port # 7 -- Processing, information echoed Port # 9 -- Processing, information not echoed Port # 11 -- Returns information about the current processes and closes Port # 13 -- Opens and closes Port # 15 -- Returns a bunch of system information Port # 19 -- Test pattern Port # 21 -- FTP Server Port # 23 -- Telnet Port # 25 -- Mail Port # 37 -- Unknown Garbage Port # 53 -- In line, no echo Port # 70 -- Connect and get kicked off Port # 80 -- There is processing, but I can only issue commands that get me kicked off. Port # 106 -- Get the prompt "200 poppassd v1.2 hello, who are you?" But am unable to get past that. Port # 110 -- Pop3D Server. Allows acess with Telnet pass and usercode. Port # 111 -- There is processing, but I can only issue commands that get me kicked off. Port # 113 -- Blank prompt, any information gets an error asking for a port. When a port is provided it asks for a username. Port # 143 -- "IMAP4 Server PMDF5.1-10.8" NETSTAT TIME DAYTIME ECHO CHARGEN WWW RPC SMTP IMAP POP3 IDENT EXEC NAMESERVICE FTP LOGIN NETCONTROL SHELL DISCARD PRINTER GOPHER TALK ?Illegal port NTALK ?Illegal port NTP ?Illegal port FINGER MAIL