package org.dhappy.test; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dhappy.mimis.Mimis; import org.dhappy.mimis.SaveSpot; import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Traverser; import org.neo4j.graphdb.TraversalPosition; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Traverser.Order; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.StopEvaluator; import org.neo4j.graphdb.ReturnableEvaluator; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Stack; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dhappy.mimis.FileList; import org.dhappy.mimis.TraversalListener; import; import; public class FilesystemWalker { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( FilesystemWalker.class ); static boolean local = true; public static void main( String[] args ) { try { String dir = args.length == 0 ? File.separator : args[0]; log.debug( "dir=" + dir ); File fsRoot = new File( dir ); String machType = System.getenv( "MACHTYPE" ); if( machType == null ) { machType = System.getProperty( "MACHTYPE" ); } boolean cygwin = ( machType != null && machType.matches( ".*-cygwin" ) ); String sep = cygwin ? "/" : File.separator; String path = fsRoot.getCanonicalPath(); if( cygwin ) { path = path.replaceAll( ( File.separator.equals( "\\" ) ? "\\\\" : File.separator ), "\\" + sep ); } path = path.replaceAll( ":", "" ); String dbPath = ( ".mimis" + sep + FilesystemWalker.class.getName() + sep + path + fsRoot.getName() ); log.debug( "dbPath:" + dbPath ); log.debug( "Traversing: " + dir ); GraphDatabaseService graph = getGraph( dbPath ); GraphDuplicator duper = new GraphDuplicator( graph ); FileList files = new FileList( fsRoot ); files.traverse( duper ); Transaction testTx = graph.beginTx(); try { Node ref = graph.getReferenceNode(); Node child = graphDb.createNode(); Relationship relationship = ref.createRelationshipTo( child, FilesystemRelations.CHILD ); ref.setProperty( "test", "test" ); child.setProperty( "test", "test" ); relationship.setProperty( "test", "test" ); testTx.success(); } finally { testTx.finish(); } Traverser list = local ? list( dir ) : Mimis.list( dir ); //if( list. "main:list = " + list.toString() ); for( Node node : list ) { ":list[] = " + node ); try { ":[][name] = " + node.getProperty( "name" ) ); } catch( NotFoundException e ) { ":[][name] = \\0" ); } } "main:list = " + list.toString() ); } catch( Exception e ) { log.error( "NeoTraverse:main", e ); } finally { "Shutting Down" ); //local ? graphDb.shutdown() : Mimis.shutdown(); if( local ) { graphDb.shutdown(); } else { Mimis.shutdown(); } } } public static void load( ) throws IOException { //log.debug( "resource:name = " + resource.getName() ); //load( resource.getName(), resource.getInputStream() ); //Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); return; // getGraph().getReferenceNode(); } public static Traverser list( ) { return list( null ); } public static Traverser list( String path ) { log.debug( "list:" + path ); GraphDatabaseService graphDb = getGraph(); final ReturnableEvaluator returnable = ( path == null ? ReturnableEvaluator.ALL : new ReturnableEvaluator() { public boolean isReturnableNode( TraversalPosition position ) { "Passing: " + position ); return true; //return elements.get( position.depth() ).equals( position.currentNode().getProperty ( "name" ) ); } public String toString() { return "NeoTraverse:list:returnable"; } } ); log.debug( "list:returnable = " + returnable ); return new OneOffTraverser( new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put( "order", Traverser.Order.DEPTH_FIRST ); put( "stop", StopEvaluator.END_OF_GRAPH ); put( "return", returnable ); put( "type", FilesystemRelations.CHILD ); put( "direction", Direction.OUTGOING ); }} ); } public static void set( Map<String, Object> config ) { } public static GraphDatabaseService getGraph() { return getGraph( null ); } protected static EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb; public static GraphDatabaseService getGraph( String dbURI ) { if( graphDb != null && dbURI != null && dbURI != graphDb.getStoreDir() ) { graphDb.shutdown(); graphDb = null; } if( graphDb == null ) { // Default database URI dbURI = ( dbURI == null ) ? ".mimis/host/files" : dbURI; graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase( dbURI ); } return graphDb; } static class OneOffTraverser implements Traverser, Iterator<Node> { Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); Traverser traverser; Iterator<Node> iterator; Node next; TraversalPosition currentPosition; Node start; public OneOffTraverser( Map<String, Object> config ) { config( config ); if( start == null ) { start = graphDb.getReferenceNode(); } traverser = start.traverse( (Traverser.Order)config.get( "order" ), (StopEvaluator)config.get( "stop" ), (ReturnableEvaluator)config.get( "return" ), (RelationshipType)config.get( "type" ), (Direction)config.get( "direction" ) ); } public void config( Map<String, Object> config ) { if( config.containsKey( "start" ) && config.containsKey( "tx" ) ) { if( tx != null ) { tx.finish(); } start = (Node)config.get( "start" ); tx = (Transaction)config.get( "tx" ); } } public TraversalPosition currentPosition() { return currentPosition; } public Collection<Node> getAllNodes() { return null; } public Iterator<Node> iterator() { return this; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void prime() { if( iterator == null ) { iterator = traverser.iterator(); next(); } } public boolean hasNext() { prime(); boolean hasNext = next != null; if( ! hasNext ) { tx.finish(); } return hasNext; } public Node next() { if( iterator == null ) { prime(); } Node current = next; currentPosition = traverser.currentPosition(); next = iterator.hasNext() ? : null; return current; } } public enum FilesystemRelations implements RelationshipType { CHILD } public static class GraphDuplicator implements TraversalListener { GraphDatabaseService graphDb; Node currentNode; Transaction currentTx; GraphDuplicator( GraphDatabaseService graphDb ) { this.graphDb = graphDb; } int readBufferSize = 8192; public void visitFile( File file ) { try { log.debug( "visit:" + file.getAbsolutePath() + " (link:" + FileList.isSymlink( file ) + ")" ); } catch(IOException ioe ) {} if( file.isFile() ) { try { String algorithm = "SHA-256"; MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance( algorithm ); InputStream input = new FileInputStream( file ); byte[] buffer = new byte[ readBufferSize ]; try { int read = 0; while( ( read = buffer ) ) > 0 ) { digest.update( buffer, 0, read ); } byte[] sum = digest.digest(); BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger( 1, sum ); String output = bigInt.toString( 16 ); log.debug( algorithm + ":" + output ); Node node = graphDb.createNode(); Relationship relationship = currentNode.createRelationshipTo( node, FilesystemRelations.CHILD ); node.setProperty( algorithm, output ); node.setProperty( "size", file.length() ); node.setProperty( "modified", file.lastModified() ); } catch(IOException e) { log.error( "Unable to process: " + file, e ); } finally { try { input.close(); } catch(IOException e) { log.error( "Unable to close: " + file, e); } } } catch( FileNotFoundException fnfe ) { log.error( fnfe ); } catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae ) { log.error( nsae ); } } } Stack<Node> path = new Stack<Node>(); //Invoke the pattern matching method on each directory. public void preVisitDirectory( File dir ) { Node node = graphDb.createNode(); Relationship relationship = currentNode.createRelationshipTo( node, FilesystemRelations.CHILD ); node.setProperty( "name", dir.getName() ); path.push( currentNode ); currentNode = node; } public void postVisitDirectory( File dir ) { currentNode = path.pop(); } public void startTraverse( File root ) { currentTx = graphDb.beginTx(); currentNode = graphDb.getReferenceNode(); log.debug( "start" ); } public void endTraverse( File root ) { currentTx.success(); currentTx.finish(); currentNode = null; } } }