package org.dhappy.mimis; import org.apache.cocoon.sax.component.XMLGenerator; import org.apache.cocoon.sax.component.XMLSerializer; import org.apache.cocoon.sax.SAXPipelineComponent; import org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.NonCachingPipeline; import org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.Pipeline; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Traverser; import org.neo4j.graphdb.TraversalPosition; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Traverser.Order; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.StopEvaluator; import org.neo4j.graphdb.ReturnableEvaluator; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.Chat; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration; import org.jivesoftware.smack.MessageListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.Roster; import org.jivesoftware.smack.RosterEntry; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SASLAuthentication; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class Mimis { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( Mimis.class ); protected static EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb; static Pattern pathSplitter; public static GraphDatabaseService getGraph() { return getGraph( null ); } protected static GraphDatabaseService getGraph( String dbURI ) { if( graphDb != null && dbURI != null && dbURI != graphDb.getStoreDir() ) { graphDb.shutdown(); graphDb = null; } if( graphDb == null ) { // Default database URI dbURI = ( dbURI == null ) ? ".mimis/host/files" : dbURI; graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase( dbURI ); } return graphDb; } public static Holon load( String key ) throws IOException { //( key -== "/" ) // key = key[1] == "/" ? key[1:] : key // whole line suceeds or fails //&& ( key []: = log.debug( "Searching for: " + key ); //key =: 1 // key = key[1:] if( key.startsWith( "/" ) ) { // Load from local filesystem key = key.substring( 1 ); if( key.startsWith( "~/" ) ) { key = ( System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separator + key.substring( 2 ) ); } try { return load( key, new FileInputStream( key ) ); } catch( FileNotFoundException fnf ) { "Not Found: " + key ); } } return null; } public static Holon load( String key, File input ) throws IOException { Holon position = load( key, new FileInputStream( input ) ); // ToDo: Save extra metadata return position; } public static Holon load( String key, InputStream input ) throws IOException { log.debug( "Input: " + key ); FileOutputStream output = null; try { output = new FileOutputStream( "target/pipeline." + input.hashCode() + ".out" ); return load( key, input, output ); } finally { if( output != null ) { output.close(); } } } public static Holon load( String key, InputStream input, OutputStream output ) throws IOException { try { MutableHolon mark = null; "Loading: " + key ); try { mark = new MutableHolon( getGraph() ); SaveSpot recorder = new SaveSpot( mark ); Pipeline<SAXPipelineComponent> pipeline = new NonCachingPipeline<SAXPipelineComponent>(); pipeline.addComponent( new XMLGenerator( input )); pipeline.addComponent( recorder.getSAXPipeline() ); pipeline.addComponent( new XMLSerializer() ); pipeline.setup( output ); pipeline.execute(); mark.commit(); } catch(Exception e) { log.error( "Load Error: ", e ); } return mark; } catch( Exception ex ) { throw new IOException( ex ); } } static class PathTracker { int lastDepth = -1; // Traversal depth starts at 0 Stack<String> seekPath = new Stack<String>(); Stack<String> currentPath = new Stack<String>(); public PathTracker( String key ) { Mimis.decomposeKey( key, seekPath ); } public void step( int depth, Node location ) { String name = ""; try { name = location.getProperty( "name" ).toString(); } catch( NotFoundException nfe ) { } step( depth, name ); } public void step( int depth, String name ) { if( depth == lastDepth && ( name.length() == 0 || ( currentPath.size() > 0 && currentPath.peek().equals( name ) ) ) ) { return; } int delta = depth - lastDepth; lastDepth = depth; if( delta > 1 ) { "Unexpected Delta: [" + name + "]: " + delta ); } // Child of last node and not empty if( delta >= 0 && name.length() > 0 ) { if( delta == 0 ) { // Sibling currentPath.pop(); } currentPath.push( name ); } else if( delta < 0 ) { // Traversal returning currentPath.pop(); } if( currentPath.size() <= seekPath.size() ) { int seekIdx = Math.max( 0, currentPath.size() - 1 ); log.debug( "list:[" + lastDepth + "][" + name + "] ?== " + seekPath.elementAt( seekIdx ) ); } } public boolean returnable() { log.debug( "list:returnable:equal: " + currentPath.equals( seekPath ) ); return currentPath.equals( seekPath ); } public boolean viable() { log.debug( "list:viable:sublist: " + Collections.indexOfSubList( seekPath, currentPath ) ); return ( seekPath.size() < currentPath.size() && Collections.indexOfSubList( seekPath, currentPath ) != 0 ); } } public static Listing list() { return list( null ); } public static Listing list( final Object key ) { final String path = key == null ? "" : key.toString(); log.debug( "list:path = " + path ); Map config = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put( "order", Traverser.Order.DEPTH_FIRST ); put( "type", SaveSpot.SaveType.DOCSYSTEM ); put( "direction", Direction.OUTGOING ); }}; if( key == null ) { //config.put( "stop", StopEvaluator.DEPTH_ONE ); config.put( "stop", StopEvaluator.END_OF_GRAPH ); config.put( "return", ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE ); } else { final PathTracker tracker = new PathTracker( path ); config.put( "return", new ReturnableEvaluator() { public boolean isReturnableNode( TraversalPosition position ) { tracker.step( position.depth(), position.currentNode() ); return tracker.returnable(); } } ); config.put( "stop", new StopEvaluator() { public boolean isStopNode( TraversalPosition position ) { tracker.step( position.depth(), position.currentNode() ); return tracker.viable(); } } ); } return new OneOffTraverser( config ); } public static Node createNode( Map<String, Object> config ) { Node node = getGraph().createNode(); for( Map.Entry<String, Object> e : config.entrySet() ) { node.setProperty( e.getKey(), e.getValue() ); } return node; } public static Stack<String> decomposeKey( String key ) { return decomposeKey( key, new Stack<String>() ); } public static Stack<String> decomposeKey( String key, Stack<String> path ) { if( pathSplitter == null ) { impress( new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put( "separators", "\\s+|/|:|\\.|,|-" ); }} ); } Matcher match = pathSplitter.matcher( key ); while( match.find() ) { for( int i = 1; i <= match.groupCount(); i++ ) { path.push( i ) ); } } return path; } public static void impress( Map<String, Object> config ) { if( config.containsKey( "separators" ) ) { String separators = config.get( "separators" ).toString(); pathSplitter = Pattern.compile( "(" + separators + "|[^" + separators + "]+)" ); } } public static void shutdown() { getGraph().shutdown(); graphDb = null; } public static void main( String[] args ) { log.debug( "Starting Mimis" ); // Used for signalling ending final Object hold = new Object(); int idx = 0; String scheme = "jabber"; String userid = ""; String password = "mimistest"; String server = ""; String port = "5222"; String resource = "bot/mimis/"; if( args.length == 1 ) { String urn = args[1]; //[ scheme, uri ] = urn.split[:][1]; idx = urn.indexOf( ':' ); scheme = urn.substring( 0, idx ); String uri = urn.substring( idx + 1 ); //[ connection, resource ] = uri.split[/][1] idx = uri.indexOf( '/' ); String connection = uri.substring( 0, idx ); resource = uri.substring( idx + 1 ); //[ credentials, server ] = connection.split[@][-1] idx = connection.lastIndexOf( '@' ); String credentials = connection.substring( 0, idx ); server = connection.substring( idx + 1 ); //[ server, port ] = server.split[':'][1] idx = server.indexOf( ':' ); if( idx < 0 ) idx = server.length(); port = server.substring( idx + 1 ); server = server.substring( 0, idx ); //[ username, password ] = credentials.split[:][1] idx = credentials.indexOf( ':' ); //if( idx < 0 ) idx = credentials.length; if( idx < 0 ) idx = credentials.length(); userid = credentials.substring( 0, idx ); password = uri.substring( idx + 1 ); } // [ username, domain ] = userid.split[@][1] || [ userid, server ] idx = userid.indexOf( '@' ); String username = idx > 0 ? userid.substring( 0, idx ) : userid; String domain = idx > 0 ? userid.substring( idx + 1 ) : server; "Connecting: " + scheme + ":" + username + ":" + password + "@" + domain + ":" + port + "/" + resource + " @ " + server ); //config = new ConnectionConfiguration( server, (int)port, resource ); ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration( server, Integer.valueOf( port ), domain ); XMPPConnection.DEBUG_ENABLED = true; try { SASLAuthentication.supportSASLMechanism( "PLAIN", 0 ); final XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection( config ); connection.connect(); connection.login( userid, password, resource ); PacketFilter mimisFilter = new PacketFilter() { public boolean accept( Packet packet ) { return true; } }; PacketListener mimisListener = new PacketListener() { int count = 0; public void processPacket( Packet packet ) { count += 1; if( packet instanceof Message ) { Message message = (Message)packet; String thread = message.getThread(); String subject = message.getSubject(); String body = message.getBody(); Message response = new Message(); response.setTo( message.getFrom() ); response.setThread( thread ); Pattern command = Pattern.compile( "(ls|die|load)(?:\\s+(.*\\S))?\\s*$" ); Matcher match = command.matcher( body ); if( match.matches() ) { String cmd = 1 ); String arg = 2 ); String sub = "packet[" + count + "]:" + cmd + ":" + arg; response.setSubject( sub ); sub ); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); String msg; if( "ls".equals( cmd ) ) { try { Traverser list = list( arg ); msg = "packet[" + count + "]:list[][name]"; out.append( msg + "\n" ); for( Node node : list ) { try { msg = "[][name] = " + node.getProperty( "name" ); } catch( NotFoundException e ) { msg = "[][name] = \\0"; } out.append( msg + "\n" ); } log.debug( "Done Listing" ); } catch(Exception e) { log.error( "List", e ); } } else if( "load".equals( cmd ) ) { msg = "packet[" + count + "]:load"; try { load( arg ); } catch( IOException ioe ) { msg += " = \\0"; } log.debug( msg ); out.append( msg + "\n" ); } else if( "die".equals( cmd ) ) { msg = "packet[" + count + "]:die"; log.debug( msg ); out.append( msg + "\n" ); synchronized (hold) { hold.notify(); } } else { msg = "packet[" + count + "]:" + cmd; log.debug( msg ); out.append( cmd + "\n" ); } response.setBody( out.toString() ); } else { log.error( "Unknown: " + body ); response.setSubject( "Unknown" ); response.setBody( "..." ); } connection.sendPacket( response ); } else { log.debug( "Packet: " + packet ); } } }; connection.addPacketListener( mimisListener, mimisFilter ); } catch( XMPPException ex ) { log.error( "Connection Error", ex ); } try { "Holding" ); synchronized (hold) { hold.wait(); } } catch( InterruptedException ie ) { } finally { "Shutting Down" ); Mimis.shutdown(); } } static class OneOffTraverser implements Listing, Iterator<Node> { Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); Traverser traverser; Iterator<Node> iterator; Node current; Node next; TraversalPosition currentPosition; Node start; public OneOffTraverser( Map<String, Object> config ) { impress( config ); if( start == null ) { start = graphDb.getReferenceNode(); } traverser = start.traverse( (Traverser.Order)config.get( "order" ), (StopEvaluator)config.get( "stop" ), (ReturnableEvaluator)config.get( "return" ), (RelationshipType)config.get( "type" ), (Direction)config.get( "direction" ) ); } public void impress( Map<String, Object> config ) { if( config.containsKey( "start" ) && config.containsKey( "tx" ) ) { if( tx != null ) { tx.finish(); } start = (Node)config.get( "start" ); tx = (Transaction)config.get( "tx" ); } } public TraversalPosition currentPosition() { return currentPosition; } public Collection<Node> getAllNodes() { return null; } public Iterator<Node> iterator() { return this; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void prime() { if( iterator == null ) { iterator = traverser.iterator(); next(); } } public boolean hasNext() { prime(); boolean hasNext = next != null; if( ! hasNext ) { log.debug( "Listing Finished" ); tx.success(); tx.finish(); } return hasNext; } public Node next() { if( iterator == null ) { prime(); } current = next; currentPosition = traverser.currentPosition(); next = iterator.hasNext() ? : null; return current; } public Node getNode() { return current; } public Holon top() { final Node current = this.current; return new Holon() { public Node getNode() { return current; } public void impress( Map<String, Object> config ) {} }; } public void finalize() { if( tx != null ) { tx.finish(); } } } }