Java3D Robotic Arm Simulator

Project: Implement a Unimation Puma 600, an industrial robot with six revolute joints, in three dimensions.

Purpose: This project has several different possibilities. One feature that can be implemented after the initial design is allowing a robotic arm that dropped an object to be able to retrieve it from the factory floor. This added feature would allow modeling of a control system with a higher fault tolerance than we are currently working with. Another advantage of this application would be that it could serve as a tool for teaching people factory design and as a way to test the efficiency of different factory layouts. Another option that this application could incorporate would be to include in the database information about how different parts fit together. This would essentially lead to an intelligent factory that would be able to assemble different products correctly.

Team: Danyel Bruggink, Will Holcomb, Andy Trent

Progress: The factory floor for the first version of the project will have the robotic arm at a fixed location; further versions of the project will have robotic arms that a user will be drag-and-drop from the object palette. This project was based off a two-dimensional model that was created in fall 1998 by Lewis Baumstark, Michael Sandt, and Andy Trent.

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Last Updated: March 21, 1999