ID3 Tagging
Ok, I am interested in doing something about my 30000+ item music collection. There are almost certainly duplicates and very certainly misidentified items. There are quite a few products in this area:
My main issue with these are:
- A lack of Linux support. I don't have a Windows box to run this program on even if I was so inclined
- Not handling large numbers of files well. Some of these seem to build all their data sctructures in memory which causes them to convulse and die somewhere near 20000 files
- No duplicate identification
- Either too closely or too loosely tied to the filesystem. Some programs ignore the file location and name completely, which can loose important information, and others make it difficult to deal with sets of files that span multiple directories simultaneously
- Limited filetype / tag version support: I've got files mp3 and acc files with id3v1-v2.4, mpeg and Apple proprietary tags. Few taggers even support id3v2.4 let alone the Apple stuff
I would also like to be able to examine large numbers of files and find the ones that don't exist in my collection already.
I envision a program that will definitely be difficult to pull off, but which I think is attainable: